Course Outcomes Home Economics
B.A. I Semester – I
By completion of this course students will able -
1) To understand the field of Home Economics.
2) To create an awareness among the students about resources and their management in the family.
3) To make aware about decision making and to enhance the decision making capability of the women
4) To provide knowledge and develop skills regarding principles and methods of interior decorations.
5) To develop skill regarding preparing the Bouquets and Flower Arrangements for decoration and enhance the chances of employment.
B.A. I Semester II
By completion of this course students will able -
1) To acquire basic knowledge of principles involved in planning of residential house.
2) To learn and apply various methods and techniques of the work simplification.
3) To develop employability skills and the ‘skill of earning while learning’.
4) To bring awareness about waste management and water conservation for environmental protection.
5) To train the students from self employment of view.
B.A. II Semester – III
By completion of this course students will able -
1) To understand the basic concept of Nutrition.
2) To understand the knowledge of food, food functions and Nutritive value of foods.
3) To develop abilities to plan Diets for Various stages.
4) To develop the Entrepreneurial skills
B.A. II Semester – IV
By completion of this course students will able -
1) To understand the basic concept of related Nutrition.
2) To development abilities to plan diets for various diseases.
3) To understand the methods of food preparation and food preservations.
4) To encourage the students for self employments.
5) To aware the work of different agencies in the area of health.
B.A. III Semester – V
By completion of this course students will able -
1) To understand the concept of Human Development.
2) To know the factors affecting of human Development.
B.A. III Semester – VI
By completion of this course students will able -
1) To understand the role of heredity and environment in development.
2) To state the role of parent and teacher in child development.
3) To understand the problems of child.
4) To develop skill based activity.