About College & Society

Janata Kala-Vanijya Mahavidyalaya, established in 1962, is being run by Lok Seva Shikshan Bahuuddeshiya Mandal Malkapur. Lok Seva Shikshan Bahuuddeshiya Mandal other than the college, runs other educational institutions from pre-primary to college level. This Mandal is registered under Societies Registration Act in 1961 and under the Bombay public Trust Act in 1962.

The renowned writer and critic, Ex-Vice-Chancellor of Nagpur University Padmshri, Dr.V.B.alias Bahusaheb Kolte was the founder member of the College and the Lok Seva Shikshan Bahuuddeshiya Mandal Malkapur.

Since its establishment, the college has been doing the great work of imparting education to all strata of the society. It is the aim of the college to impart education to all the people of society. To fulfill the aim, the college has been doing all sorts of tasks. Keeping in mind the aim, the institution started Under Graduate programmes of B.A. and B.Com. and P.G. programmes of M.Com.,M.A.and provided education through mother tongue Marathi as well as English medium. Considering the need and value of current trends, the college also started to impart education through English language and started B.Com. with the medium of instruction of English language from session 2010-11.

The students of Malkapur were going to take higher education at Khamgaon and Amravati. As most of the students belong to Agriculture area, it was not affordable to them. In this adverse situation, students were struggling to take education and were abandoning education. The founder member Dr.V.B.Kolte himself struggled to take education and experienced it. He also belonged to a peasant family and his native place is Narvel Village, 10 k.m. away from Malkapur.

Dr.Bahusaheb Kolte as himself aware of this fact and the value of education planted a tree of education in the form of the college. It was his urge to provide higher education to the students of this area. It was his urge to stop the troubles of the students and to make comfortable atmosphere for the students to get higher education. The tree planted by him now transferred in a full-fledged tree. This tree is giving the shed to all the students of the society. Now, it works as a support in the life of the students. This college plays a vital role in imparting education to equip students for the challenges of life.